Friday, October 15, 2010


others judge me based on what i do they don't know everything on me. i laugh when they judge me and find out on their selves that their are wrong on judging me. my personal traits show on what kind of person i am. every individual is unique possesses different personality. i find it hard to express my feelings with others when i know i will just make mistakes. knowing oneself is not an easy thing. i like to some extreme things like mountain climbing, eat exotic foods, travel around the Philippines, meet the president of the Philippines, be a successful man someday and etc. that's all my future plan in life that i want to do. i don't feel comfortable when i'm inside a big crowd it makes me tired, anxious and everything. I took up a personality test, and came up to the result that indicates that I am “Somewhat Entrepreneurial”. It felt good because, I know for somehow that I have the future to be part of the field of business in higher technology. It runs in my mind, that I have the capabilities of managing and building my own company.I’m imaging the future ahead of me. Along with, I have also this side that when I get angry I really show it up, being frank one, I really have to express what I feel. Just like a lion, I growl until I stop and I’m satisfied to what will I say. My strong personality comes out when I get suffocated from being stepped down. I don’t care with what others will say, as long as I’m doing the right thing that will make me calm and not bothered at once. I realized form the personality test that, if I will have authority over the others, I must keep my feet on the ground, so that, I’ll be able to hear their parts as well. I learned that, I have to stand still over my own decisions but with the advice and help of others. It’s about shaping an idea coming from the discussion of everyone else, then to a brilliant outcome because of the entire body. the answer of the personality traits test reflects on us if we are somewhat technopreneur and what kind of person we are in the field of business especially when making an approach to other people and making decisions. In theorizing about personality, psychologists have invoked a variety of processes to account for the origin and maintenance of personality. These may be assembled into just a few broad classes. The first is inheritance. There are behavior geneticists who argue that all personality traits are inherited. And there are staunch environmentalists who deny that any be-havioral tendencies are inherited. These polarities can be avoided if we examine the evidence from research on behavior genetics. As might be expected, the empirical answer is more moderate than either extreme posi- tion: Some personality traits are inherited and others are not.

Confidence is a vital aspect of our day-to-day lives and is especially important in the workplace. After all, you would not be appreciative of a colleague who fumbles and trips over his words while doing a presentation. Unfortunately, not everyone was born with "built-in" self confidence. In fact, many of us had to work hard to achieve some semblance of confidence. People with low confidence and self-esteem often feel unappreciated and find it hard to succeed. The good thing is that it can be achieved with time and effort. Rome was not built in a day, so don't expect the same for yourself and do not push yourself to the limit.

I find that it is extremely critical to know precisely what your 4 letter Personality Type is, and it's worth taking a little bit of extra time to be 100% sure.
There are 16 Personality Types, and picking the wrong type is like putting diesel fuel into a car that takes regular gasoline. The wrong type of fuel just won't work right and you will damage your engine. Having the wrong Personality Type will waste your time and result in you getting bad information about yourself.
Knowing your correct Type will help you achieve: more job satisfaction, more success and better relationships.

I read in the magzine and find some answer why personality test are not accurate. here are the reasons below:

1) Cultural Biases and Honesty

Some people answer the questions based on how they wish they were, not how they actually are.

This is because they have an image in their mind of what is proper.

For example, we have seen people who believe that being organized is very important yet they are not all that organized. They will answer as if they were very organized, when if fact they are the opposite.

The important point is that being well organized is not always the best thing for certain Personality Types because they have other things to focus on.

It's important to know yourself and to answer truthfully. Otherwise you are just lying to yourself and that will get you no where.

In a world where being on time is seen as a positive attribute and being late is seen as being not so good, a person who frequently shows up late might find themselves answering a question by saying that being on time is very important to them. This would distort the Judging / Perceiving scores.

It would be better for this person to realize that because they get wrapped up in the experience of the moment they don't want to end the current experience to allow enough time to get to their next appointment. So they consciously make a decision to be a few minutes late.

In a world where we are taught that being neat and having a clean desk is good, a person who really prefers to have several stacks of paper on their desk might answer a question in the test by saying they like a neat workspace when in fact they really don't. This would distort the Judging / Perceiving scores. If you like all of your important papers stacked up on your desk, just say so. There is nothing wrong with it.

In a world where carrying a Day Timer or Personal Organizer is the accepted way of doing business, a person who hates "To Do Lists" might in fact say they are a very organized person who plans everyday. This would distort the Judging / Perceiving scores.

In a world where being tough is considered manly, certain men may not want to answer questions about the Thinking / Feeling preference if it indicates they are more Feeling oriented. Yet, there are huge advantages to the Feeling preference. So answering truthfully will result in a more accurate test score.

Thus we find that people can distort their test scores based by selecting what they think or believe is the better, more acceptable answer.

2) Too Much Thinking

We have seen very analytical people "over complicate" and "over think" the questions in the test. The instructions say you should answer quickly and not think too much.

3) Confusion about One's Self

People may not have a clear picture of themselves and how they behave under certain circumstances.

We've seen professional actors and actresses who were so adept at playing different roles that they sometimes forget who they really are. They would slide into different roles while taking the test.

Yet, on the other hand we have seen 9th graders do really well and get an accurate test results.

4) Confusion Over Personality Type Terminology

We have encountered many people who think they are "Extraverted" when in fact they are "Introverted." Once the differences are explained they agree that with the correct definition, they are not Extraverted.

One true test for Introversion vs Extraversion is to see the person when they are out of their comfort zone. An Introvert who is in their comfort zone i.e. with close friends, might talk loud and fast just like an Extravert, but put them in a small group of strangers and watch what they do.

A true Introvert, when put in a small group of people they do not know will become very uncomfortable. An Extravert however gets excited about having more people to talk to, even if they are total strangers.

Another good test for Introversion and Extraversion is to find out just how much "private time" or "alone time" the person enjoys. Introverts love private time whereas, Extraverts would rather be with people.

Public speaking ability is not a good indicator of Introversion or Extraversion. Being able to stand up in front of 300 people and give a talk is not hard for many Introverts, if you give them time to prepare. However, ask them to do it without any preparation and you will see the anxiety build. So public speaking is not a good indicator for Introversion / Extraversion.

The Personality Type system is fairly complex and there are many subtleties. It takes considerable study and practice to become adept at determining a person's Type. For training and certification in the Personality Type system of Myers and Briggs, click here.

5) The Influence of Age, Maturity, and Learned Behavior

Your 4 letter Personality Type stays the same from birth to death, but it's easier to determine one's Type when one is under 25. The reason is that as one matures and becomes more well rounded one learns to adapt to situations and it's harder to identify one's Type. One learns to modify one's behavior. This can mask one's true personality.

The industrial psychologist is faced with the problem of selecting and decides on the right people for particular kinds of job or job training and of predicting the future performance of his selectees. The clinical psychologist is concerned with understanding the personality functioning of persons in distress and misery, predicting the response of such persons to particular kinds of treatment, and evaluating the personality changes that result from psychological treatment. The research psychologist may be interested in studying personality changes that occur with age or as a result of particular kinds of experiences. He may be interested in the relationships between certain kinds of personality factors and other variables, like learning, endurance, memory, attitudes, and so on. The social psychologist is interested in the effects of social, economic and cultural factors upon personality development and patterning and in the manner in which different personalities interact with one another in various group situations. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences introduced the idea of multiple intelligences which included both Interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and Intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations).This is all assuming the people you know would be glad to spend more time with you, but if you prefer your own company like I often do, you probably underestimate the amount of time 'regular' people like to spend with each other. It can also be an interesting experience to resist your urge to go home, spend several more hours with people past your usual tolerance, and realize you actually kind of prefer it to being home alone with not enough to do. Overall, having a friendly disposition or attitude is great if you have it, but you can't consistently create one on demand. You can keep certain actions in mind though to still be a more friendly person. Just inviting people out more, remembering to chat to people when you see them around, or joining groups, even if nothing changes about you deep down, are still the behaviors of a sociable person. God remains unknown to him or her who believes in God but does not love Him. The Bible says, So, love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Do your best and God will do the rest.

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